
What is Security? - Precautions taken to guard against crime, attack, sabotage, espionage, etc.: the importance of computer security to prevent hackers from gaining access. - (Computer Science) the protection of data to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to computer flies. - Things done to make people or places safe.

How do we provide Security?

I. The first step is the internet and protecting our servers from malicious and criminal attacks. We do this with the use of multi layered fire walls to protect our networks and servers. We start by blocking all traffic then allowing only the the traffic that is required for communication with our mail system. In addition we have intrusion protection, anti-spam, antivirus and antimalware systems to provide additional protection.

II. The second step is to run a host based firewall and only run the services required and provide the minimal authorization required, in addition to maintaining the most current patches and security fixes on all devices.

III. The third step is to run a mail system that is encrypted for storage by design. Your malibox is encrypted and can not be viewed by access to the flies. The communication between our internal systems is encrypted and cannot be scanned.

IV. The fourth is only allow client to connect through secure connections. Our Desktop client is secured by 40 bit bulit-in encryption, then we enhance it with 256 bit SSL encryption, giving a double layer of protection.

V. The fifth is we can provide secure internet communication through SMTP encrypted via SSL/TLS.(1)(2)(3)(4)

What we don't do!

I. We don't scan your email!!!! Unlike some well known email providers we don't scan your mail so that we can direct advertising to your malibox based on your email content so we can make additional profit from your private communications.

II. We don't sell your personal information or email address!!!! We will never sell your personal information. We believe in privacy.

III. We don't send spam to our clients!!!! We won't send you unwanted email advertising to you. If you want our monthly tip & trick news letter, you will need to request it.

Other Security

Additional security solutions can be designed to further protect your email. Examples -

I. Public/Private Key encryption to encrypt the actual email content.


    For end to end privacy -
  • (1): Secure internet communication can only occur when both the sending and receiving SMTP servers and are using SSL/TLS.
  • (2): Receiving client's malibox need to be encrypted.
  • (3): The receiving client must also have a secure connection the their malibox.
  • (4): Addition privacy can be gained via encrypting your emails with public/privates key encryption.